What happens to your loan when the RBA makes a rate cut?
When the Reserve Bank of Australia announces that they are reducing the Cash Rate, it sets off a chain reaction of transactions, generally led by the RBA itself.
Beware of Clickbait Home Loan Offers
If you’re an owner-occupier planning to move up the property ladder, you’ve likely seen eye-catching ads promising “the lowest rates” or “huge savings” on home loans. While these offers may sound enticing, they often come with hidden catches that could leave you worse off financially.
Why Use A Mortgage Broker To Refinance?
If you’re considering simply going to your bank to refinance, you may be asking yourself why. Let’s break it down.
Just what is going to happen with inflation and interest rates?
HoLo co-founder, finance expert and lead broker, Justin Dickinson, shares his views on what mortgage holders could expect and - more importantly - do in uncertain times.
5 things we consider when shopping for a better rate for you
We love to haggle. It’s in our DNA. So with interest rates on the move, our team sat down to discuss a few things we consider when searching for a better rate for our clients. It’s always a good idea to be aware of these pitfalls when doing your research.
WTF is…. LVR & DTI?
Getting your head around their ‘bank speak’ can be a little tricky. In fact, it can sound like a whooooole other language. Let us do little ‘banksplaining’ for you.
7 tips to save & pay off your loan sooner
Your home loan can be one of your biggest monthly expenses, so we thought it might be helpful if we share our top tips for how to pay it off sooner.
Fixed Interest Rates. The Pros & the Cons
Fixed interest rates - we’ve heard a lot about them lately in the media. So what exactly is a fixed interest rate?
Consider this if you're thinking about fixing your loan
Whilst a fixed rate might seem pretty darn good, there can be a little catch you need to be aware of. Here we explain the ‘roll off’ rate.
Why the lowest rate might not be right for you!
We all love a deal, in fact, we all love a great deal, don’t we? But in finance, sometimes the best deal, might not actually be right for you.
Have less than a 20% deposit?
Typically you need to contribute about 20% of the price of a property when you’re buying a property. But if you don’t have that magic number, don’t despair, there are still a few options available.